Sunday, 6 January 2008

Touch Wood / Toucher du Bois

How come we use this expression in all language?

The expression is used by people around the world accompanied by the touching of an item made from wood as a form of protection.

But why ?

How could wood protect us?

The origin is quite old (Persia, or Egypt), and remains closely linked to the religion of the people concerned: Touch wood amounted to get under the protection of Atar, the Persians god of the fire.

For the Egyptians, wood possessed a kind of beneficial magnetism. To touch it placed you under the protection of this energy.

Closer to us, the saying was used by Christians as a reminder of the crucifixion of Christ on the Cross . Touch wood then returned to a kind of prayer to be placed under its protection and to protect themselves against adversity.

But does it work?

Well....Fingers crossed !

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